Mon, Dec 24, 2012 at 9:58 AM
Joyeux Noel! Que la terre soit dans l'allégresse! Le Christ est né et il vit toujours!
Merry Christmas loved ones! I'm excited to talk to you TODAY! I'll be skyping you around 5:00PM Toulouse time (which I think is about 8AM Oregon time). We will have an hour, we can split it up how we like, but I was thinking like 45 minutes with Mom and my brothers and then 15 minutes with Dad, Manita and Tanner. Dad, I still don't have your Skype address, so if you could send that to me ASAP, that would be amazing!
This week passed well here in Toulouse. It was a very international week. Tuesday I worked with Elder James from Manchester, England. Wednesday I worked with Elder Rae from Paisley, Scotland. Thursday I worked with Elder Vira from Vanuatu (actually, he's a historical missionary... the first Vanuatuan to ever serve in a European mission!) Then Friday I worked with the Assistant who comes from Stratford-upon-Avon, England. Saturday and Sunday I was with my wonderful companion from Taiwan. I feel very cultured at the end of the season.
Many of our amis and nearly all of the students were out of town this week, so we didn't teach a whole lot of lessons, but what we do this week was spread Christmas cheer. We did this by visiting members and by talking to everyone we met about the mission of Jesus Christ. He truly came into the world, the only Son of God, to do something incredible for all of humanity. He set a perfect example for all of us and then, out of perfect love for his brothers and sisters, he gave his life so that we might life and be happy. He gave us a gift that could never be paid back. No matter how many chocolate oranges, peppermint canes, or pistachios we offered him. No matter how much myrrh, frankensense, and gold we give to him. He is truly our Savior and our Redeemer. The one hope for this world with changing values and standards. And he lives! May we always remember it!
The highlight of this week by far was last night when our little ward put together a little nativity play. Complete with King Herod yelling in French and young shepherds dancing around a fire. I documented the whole thing on my camera, I'll send you a couple of pictures. Members who are rejetted by their families because of their beliefs gathered together to celebrate the true meaning of what much of the world has forgotten to be the day of our Savior's birth! It was a joy.
Well, I'll see you guys in a few hours! Know that I give you all of my love at this season! Peace on earth and goodwill towards men is my earnest wish!
Elder Kunzler