Chère famille et mes chers amis,
Une oeuvre merveilleuse est sur le point de se produire parmi les enfants des hommes.
There are good things happening in Dijon, the forelorn village of the east.
Bruno will be baptized on the 19, two weeks after general conference this saturday. This last week we went over to his apartment with an empty garbage sack and we left his apartment with a garbage sack full of coffee, cigarettes, tobacco cans, lighters, ashtrays, lighter fluid, etc. Everything. I have a pretty cool picture of me grinning in the midst of all these poisons. Bruno is a non-smoker! We are so proud of him, he has so much courage. He will be on a special program to turn of the bells that trigger his desire to smoke all this week (a program that includes the use of grapefruit juice and cinnamon mouth wash and prayer). Friday we will going over to his apartment to celebrate with him his grand feat! It is not at all easy, but avec Dieu tout est possible!
E.P. and I had a really good week in which REGIS (who we thought we were going to have to drop) CAME TO CHURCH FOR THE FIRST TIME! We were so happy to see him in his Sunday best with his Bible and Book of Mormon in had walking into the chapel right on time! We had seen him once during the week and he said a beautiful prayer, expressed his sincere desire to have a testimony and then promised that he would come to church! He shined through this week. He really is started to show forth fruits meet for repentance, which is epic.
We also have 5 new investigators, who are all really solid.
First there is Natalia. Natalia saw us contacting one evening, and she came and contacted us. She explained that she had met and been taught by the missionaries in the past when she was studying in Frankfurt, Germany about a year and a half ago. She is Russian. She didn't have a number or a way to get ahold of her, so we could only give her a card and she said she would call us back. Sure enough she called a few days later and we fixed a RDV. To her RDV she brought her Russian Book of Mormon, which was pretty well marked up. She also had some old brochures that the missionaries had given to her in the past. She told us that she had already read the entire Book of Mormon in 5 days... and that she knew it was true! The only thing keeping her from getting baptized is the fact that her parents are traditional Russian Orthodox and her husband, an American, isn't too into the chruch. She will be going back to Germany in a couple of weeks to start a new semester, but she will be watching General Conference with us, a pretty cool miracle!

We are also now teaching a wonderful family from the Congo. They are very strong Christians and such excellent people. It is a husband, wife and two teenage daughters. Unfortunately, the husband was not there for the first lesson, but it went really well. They are very sincere, and we will be meeting with them regularly. The older teenage daughter said the prayer at the end of our message about the restoration and it was one of the most heartfelt I've ever heard. Good things.
Blessed, another investigator, came with his entire family to church! His wife is a less-active member, so it was so good to see the whole family there! He is planning on getting baptized at the end of next month as well!
So many great things are happening in this sector, sorry I don't have the time to tell you about all of them. The Lord is really blessing our efforts as we do our best to stay close to him through prayer, follow the Spirit and be obedient and diligent and effective with all the time that he has given to us to serve him with all our energy. I love this work so much! I love you family and wish you an excellent week! Que Dieu vous bénisse :)
Avec amour,