Lyon, France

Monday, February 10, 2014

Croître, Remplir La Terre

Dearest family and friends,

So I've heard from several of you that there are some serious snow storms in Oregon in winter and a pretty snowy winter in Utah.  I am pleased to announced that I have yet to see a flake of snow this winter.  Not a lick.  Last week it was pretty rainy, but yesterday the sunshined bright!

This last week had it's highs and it's lows, like every week in missionary work.  It's nice to finally be off of crutches and to give everything to the work.  We saw some pretty cool fruit this week, as we now have two new investigators who have committed to baptism!  The first was Leondro, which turned out to be a pretty miraculous experience.  I was on an exchange and we had already taught 3 lessons that day and were wondering what we ought to do with the few hours that we had at the end of the day.  I called Elder Behling, who was in Cannes to ask him what he thought we ought to do and proposed a few names of people that we hadn't seen in a while, one of which being Leondro, who we hadn't seen in nearly a month.  We decided to pass by his apartment and sure enough, he was there!  He is 18 years old and it turns out that he is actually at a point in his life where he is needing to make some huge decisions to determine his future.  We talked to him a bit about the gospel, being an anchor in life and he accepted to prepare for baptism!  I would have never thought to pass this person or that he might be at a time in his life when he humble and searching, so I'm glad that my companion is really in tune with the spirit! :)

The next was George, who we have been teaching for a few weeks now.  George is from Madagascar and has had some strong spiritual experiences in his life that have helped to know his Savior Jesus Christ.  This week we got to have dinner with him in the home of a Malagash family in our ward.  He really profited from the Spirit that was felt in their home.  We spent some time singing hymns together with the piano, and he loved to wonderful spirit that this invited.  He understands the sacred nature of baptism and does not think that he is worthy to make this covenant with God, but we have been helping him to see that the Atonement of the Savior can have a real and immediate effect on him if he is willing to lean on Christ.  He accepted to prepared himself to be baptized and confirmed (on my birthday!)

Kisky is still progressing really well, but it is hard because we aren't able to see him as often as we would like.  He works often and can rarely make it to church.  We had a lesson with him that was probably the best so far.  Something that he has been struggling with lately is understanding the difference of the Holy Ghost and the Gift of the Holy Ghost.  We were able to, certainly through the Spirit, help it click and him to understand the difference.  He really loves the lessons, probably more than anyone else I've ever taught on my mission.  I think it is because he loves to feast upon the words of Christ.  He will make an extraordinary member.  He told us that one day he is going to know the Book of Mormon even better than us... good luck :)

Many other incredible experiences this week that I will not have the time to recount to you.  Administering to the sick, teaching the gospel, etc.  Every day of the mission is so jammed-packed of killer experiences!  I look forward to being able to telling you them all!  I love my mission because I am very happy.  The promises of the Lord are great for those who work diligently in his vineyards and I can testify that these blessings and promises are real!  And they are not only accessible to the full-time missionary, but to every worthy member for the rest of his life!  I encourage to follow Elder Ballard's council and pray for missionary opportunities this week and then ACT on the promptings you will receive!  God speed the right!

I love you

Avec amour,


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