Lyon, France

Monday, May 20, 2013

Si tu pouvais jusqu'à Kolob

Ma chère famille et mes chers amis,

Je pense que je vais cette lettre en français, si ça vous va. MUAAAHH.  Non.  Faisons-la en anglais.

I trust that you have a passed a wonderful week and that you are all preparing well for summer vacations!  For French people, vacation time is one of the most important parts of life.  Missionaries love vacation time because we get to work extra hard to find those families which are together and waiting for the Restored Gospel of Jesus Christ.

Missionary work is really fun.  Like Elder Andersen said, it's not missionary work, it's missionary fun.  There is a woman in our ward who understands this principle pretty well.  She has been dating someone, who is not a member of our church.  She decided to give this man the Book of Mormon and a week or two ago she explained that ever since he received it he has not let go.  He flew right through Nephi.  She explained to him that there are full time missionaries in the church whose job it is to respond to questions and to help people to understand the teachings of the Book of Mormon.  He told her that he had some questions that the missionaries would never be able to answer.  This member decided to test us and we sat down this week with the both of them and discussed the finer things of the kingdom while munching on a raclette.  He had questions, some of them quite profound about the beginning of the Book of Mormon.  He was really quite interested.  He told us that he was going to continue to read and we invited him to prayer.  Its as simple as that.  My companion and I know firmly that this woman will be blessed to help this man come closer to Christ.  And that this man will be guided in his quest to the truth.  Missionary "work" always works best with the members, in their homes.

Alvine (remember, the one with the 2 daughters, whose mother has been a member for a few years now?  I showed her how to make a good pasta sauce? Yes.) well, she came to church.  She came to church!  This is such good news!  My companion and I have been working really hard for 7 weeks, teaching a lot of people about the restored gospel and inviting them, but we've been having a hard time really getting anyone to come to church.  Alvine came!  And boy did she love it.  Everything was just perfect.  The members showed her so much kindness, the gospel principles class was about the Holy Ghost and it was very edifying. Sacrament meeting was excellent.  She expressed to us afterwards how much she appreciated it and was touched by the Spirit.  She's been reading the Book of Mormon on her own and we'll keep you updated on her spiritual progress in the coming letters.

Marie-Louise is doing well, but very busy.  We were not able to teach her this week, and she has still not come to church.  She asked us if we could hold off seeing her for a couple of weeks while she finishes her job (she'll be quitting at the end of the month) and then she'll have a lot more time to give us and to really plunge into the restored gospel of Jesus Christ.  If you could keep her in you prayers in the meantime, that would be wonderful.

All is well on the western front.  There are beautiful things on the horizon.  6 stakes have been formed in Europe and there are 6 more expected in the near future.  There is a missionary buzz in the air.  I don't know if you're catching it over there in the states, but if not I invite you to.  Give someone a Book of Mormon with your testimony in it.  Tell some one of the beautiful teachings of the Savior.  Invite them to meet some missionaries who you trust.  The Lord is hastening his work and he is right there on our side!  I love you and wish you the best!

Avec amour,

Elder Kunzler

PS.  Que votre coeur ne se trouble point et ne s'alarme point. :)

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